Resets a model file to the zero classifier, and changes the values of parameters--use gtsvm_optimize to actually find an optimal classifier. The regularization parameter is that of the C-formulation, while the kernel parameter must be one of "gaussian", "polynomial" or "sigmoid", for which the kernel functions are: gaussian ==> K( x, y ) = exp( -p1 * || x - y ||^2 ) polynomial ==> K( x, y ) = ( p1 * + p2 )^p3 sigmoid ==> K( x, y ) = tanh( p1 * + p2 ) Here, "p1", "p2" and "p3" are the values given for parameter1, parameter2 and parameter3, respectively. The biased parameter selects whether the optimization problem should include an unregularized bias. Allowed options: -h [ --help ] display this help -i [ --input ] arg input model file -o [ --output ] arg output model file (may be same as input) -C [ --regularization ] arg regularization parameter -k [ --kernel ] arg kernel -1 [ --parameter1 ] arg first kernel parameter -2 [ --parameter2 ] arg second kernel parameter -3 [ --parameter3 ] arg third kernel parameter -b [ --biased ] arg (=0) include an unregularized bias?