@inproceedings{wieting-16b, author = {J. Wieting and M. Bansal and K. Gimpel and K. Livescu}, title = {Charagram: Embedding Words and Sentences via Character n-grams}, booktitle = {Proc. of EMNLP}, year = {2016}, } @inproceedings{wieting-16b-full, author = {John Wieting and Mohit Bansal and Kevin Gimpel and Karen Livescu}, title = {Charagram: Embedding Words and Sentences via Character n-grams}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2016}, } @InProceedings{D16-1157, author = "Wieting, John and Bansal, Mohit and Gimpel, Kevin and Livescu, Karen", title = "Charagram: Embedding Words and Sentences via Character n-grams", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing", year = "2016", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", pages = "1504--1515", location = "Austin, Texas", url = "http://aclweb.org/anthology/D16-1157" }