This is the course webpage for the Spring 2019 version of TTIC 31210: Advanced Natural Language Processing.
For the Spring 2017 course, go here.

Quarter: Spring 2019
Time: Monday/Wednesday 1:30-2:50pm
Location: Room 526 (fifth floor), TTIC

Instructor: Kevin Gimpel
Instructor Office Hours: Mondays 2:50-3:15pm, Wednesdays 2:50-4pm, Room 531
Teaching Assistant: Mingda Chen
Teaching Assistant Office Hours: Mondays 3-4pm, TTIC Library (fourth floor)

Prerequisites: TTIC 31190 or permission of the instructor.

Collaboration Policy
Lateness Policy

All textbooks are optional. We will post optional readings from the following texts to accompany lecture slides.

SLP2: Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin. Speech and Language Processing (2nd Edition). Pearson: Prentice Hall. 2009.
SLP3: Drafts of some chapters of the 3rd edition are freely available online.

NNM4NLP: Yoav Goldberg. Neural Network Methods for Natural Language Processing. 2017.
Two copies are on reserve in the TTIC library. An earlier draft is freely available online.

BANLP: Shay Cohen. Bayesian Analysis in Natural Language Processing. 2016.

5 assignments (15% each)
class participation, including in-class handouts and quizzes (25%)


Collaboration Policy
You are welcome to discuss assignments with others in the course, but solutions and code must be written individually.

Lateness Policy
If you turn in an assignment late, a penalty will be assessed. The penalty will be 2% (of the entire point total) per hour late.

You will have 4 late days to use as you wish during the quarter. Late days must be used in whole increments (i.e., if you turn in an assignment 6 hours late and want to use a late day to avoid penalty, it will cost an entire late day to do so).