TTIC is hiring new faculty, both tenure-track and endowed 3-year research faculty, including in speech and language.

We are always looking for motivated PhD students, visiting students, and undergraduate research assistants.


Kevin Gimpel
Assistant Professor

Jungo Kasai
Research Assistant Professor

Karen Livescu

David McAllester

Hongyuan Mei
Research Assistant Professor

Greg Shakhnarovich

Chenhao Tan
Courtesy Faculty

Matthew Walter
Associate Professor

Jiawei Zhou
Research Assistant Professor

PhD students

Chung-Ming Chien

Ju-Chieh Chou

Lingyu Gao

Ankita Pasad

Marcelo Sandoval-CastaƱeda

Freda Shi

Davis Yoshida

David Yunis

Faculty alumni

PhD student/post-doc alumni

Visiting students, U. Chicago student collaborators