< Master index Index for release >

Index for release

Matlab files in this directory:

 errorbar_logsafeERRORBAR_LOGSAFE - Computes a log-safe errorbar
 flattenFLATTEN - mode-k unfolding of a tensor
 flatten_adjFLATTEN_ADJ - mode-k folding of a matrix X into a tensor
 kolda3KOLDA3 - Comptues [[C; U1, U2, U3]]
 matrix_admMATRIX_ADM - Computes reconstruction of a partly observed matrix
 pcaPCA Low-rank approximation in SVD form.
 plot_tensorworkshop10PLOT_TENSORWORKSHOP10 - Plots Figure 1
 plotresultsPLOTRESULTS - Plots Figure 2
 printvecPRINTVEC - Prints a vector into a string
 randtensor3RANDTENSOR3 - Randomly generates a 3-way low-rank tensor
 softthSOFTTH - Computes the proximity operator with respect to the
 splitSPLIT - Splits a string (or a cell array of strings) into a cell array
 tensor_as_matrixTENSOR_AS_MATRIX - Computes the reconstruction of partly observed
 tensorconst_admTENSORCONST_ADM - Computes the reconstruction of a partly
 tensormix_admTENSORMIX_ADM - Computes the reconstruction of a partly
 test_compareTEST_COMPARE - Computes and plots Figure 1
 test_thresholdTEST_THRESHOLD - Computes and plots Figure 2

Other Matlab-specific files in this directory:

Subsequent directories:

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